Crestwoods Frequently Asked Questions
Contract Details
The address for your specific apartment is given on the second line of the agreement in larger font. Be sure to include the apartment number when giving out the address. The office CANNOT accept mail for tenants and the post office will immediately send back anything arriving without an apartment number.
Use this for mailing rent payments or communications to management
when you are not in Logan.
880 N. 650 E. #8
Logan, UT 84341
Be sure to include “#8” in our address or it will not get to us.
The dates are given in larger font on the first line of clause 1. We can usually accommodate early move-in within a few days of the school year. There is a fee, call for details. WE NEVER EXTEND A CONTRACT. PLEASE DON’T ASK. We have tenants moving in almost immediately in most cases and don’t have the option.
No. Frequent transitions require that we not allow changes to the apartment. This includes, but is not limited to: thumb tack, pin, nail or screw holes in the walls or installing shelving, additional lighting, etc. We keep track of holes in the wall and will charge you for the damage. We also charge if you put holes in then attempt to fill them yourself. PLEASE DON’T PUT HOLES IN THE WALL.
We do not allow any pets on the premises. This includes, but is not limited to: cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, rodents, etc. You may have 1 fish in a fishbowl; no aquariums. You may not babysit a friend/family member’s animal. This constitutes breach of your agreement.
No, smoking (including vaping) is not allowed on the property. If you or a guest smoke, you must go all the way to the city street, not just the parking lot or patio/sidewalks. Cigarette butts may not be left on the ground and must be disposed of properly in a receptacle off property. Alcoholic beverages of any type (and their empty containers) are not allowed on the grounds, in apartments or in refrigerators. Illegal drugs are also banned.
No, utilities are the responsibility of the tenants. It is recommended that roommates discuss AHEAD OF MOVE-IN who will be having them turned on so that you have power/hot water when you arrive. You will contact the utility companies directly and pay them directly. Management does provide high speed internet to the apartments.
You can move out, but you are responsible for the remaining financial and cleaning obligations. Contact management to discuss your specific situation and we can provide your options. See “Selling Your Contract” below.
Yes, we can make a copy if you come in during office hours.
Deposit/Deposit refunds
This non-refundable fee is to offset office costs, maintenance and general wear and tear to the property.
Your entire deposit, $250/150 (School year/summer) is refundable, minus any fees, damages or cleaning charges.
Deposit refunds are issued 30 days following the end of the contract. This is usually the beginning of June and mid-September. For tenants that sell spring semester contracts, refunds are usually processed the end of January.
Yes, deposits are processed within 30 days, so you can leave an envelope in the drop box before then.
You can, however, you will be charged $6 for an envelope and postage. If you leave an envelope without postage, $2 will be deducted for that cost.
If you didn’t leave an envelope, we sent your refund to the apartment you rented from us. Check with the current tenants. Otherwise, it may have been lost in the mail. Contact management during office hours to discuss further options.
Emergency assistance
For a medical or fire emergency, call 911. For water or maintenance emergency (causing damage to the apartment or potential injury to tenants) call management at 435-755-3181 AND LEAVE A MESSAGE. We don’t answer calls after hours, but are on call and will check messages.
Dripping, leaking or running water; overflowing drains and the furnace not working during winter months. Wi-Fi is NOT an emergency.
Yes. If the toilet is overflowing or water is streaming down walls, ceiling or the carpet is soaked over a large area, YES! Call management immediately and LEAVE A MESSAGE. If there is a slow drip under the sink or from the toilet water line, please put a towel or bucket underneath to contain the water and notify management during business hours.
Logan city has probably turned off the main water for a repair in the area. BE SURE THAT ALL FAUCETS ARE TURNED OFF…you will be responsible for flooding that occurs if the water comes back on and your faucets are on. Please be patient, there is nothing management can do in this situation. If management turns off the water for maintenance, we do our best to notify tenants.
If you recently moved in, the apartment probably needs to set up a Logan City Utilities account. You will need to contact Logan City (phone number in the orange policy booklet in the kitchen cabinets or go to their website) to get the utilities turned on. They usually require a $100 deposit.
It is probably an outage for damage or repair. You may contact Logan City to see if they have further details. Management has no control over these situations.
DO NOT PRESS THE RESET BUTTON. You will be charged an hourly rate to reprogram the router. Wi-Fi problems are NOT emergencies. Please do not call after hours regarding this issue. You may unplug the router power cord from the wall to reboot (NOT RESET) it. Wait a couple minutes and attempt to connect again. If you are still having difficulties, verify that ALL roommates are experiencing the same issue, ruling out an issue with your hardware. If the problem is apartment–wide, please leave a note in the drop box, send an email to [email protected] or come in during office hours. Remember that Wi-Fi is available on campus and at many locations throughout the city for issues that arise outside of business hours.
All non-emergency maintenance requests need to be made in writing and brought to management during office hours, emailed to [email protected] or left in the drop box. You may also submit a Maintenance Request thru the Rentroom app. These requests are not monitored evenings, weekends or holidays. If you choose to text your maintenance request, understand that these frequently get lost in threads and you are responsible for following up if your request has not been addressed.
The contract states that tenants are responsible to provide light bulbs. We ask that you use light bulbs no higher than 60 watts. If you need further assistance or a fluorescent bulb, please see above regarding maintenance requests.
Most apartments or buildings have a plunger somewhere. Attempt to clear the blockage yourself or ask for a friend or roommate’s assistance. If you know a foreign object was dropped down a toilet or other drain, please let management know as soon as possible so that we can attempt to retrieve the object with the least amount of damage. Please do not place “flushable wipes” or feminine napkins in the toilets. You will be billed for the cost to resolve plumbing issues caused by any foreign items found in plumbing.
Please leave a note for management so we can check the brush and belt. Persistent use of a vacuum exhibiting either of these concerns will cause damage for which the apartment will be held responsible.
Sink drains are not meant to dispose of solid waste. Please place all food garbage in a garbage can before washing dishes. This includes (but is not limited to) moldy leftovers from the fridge, rice, corn husks, onion/potato/carrot skins, pasta and mushy cereal. DO NOT POUR OIL OR GREASE DOWN THE DRAINS. No amount of running water will keep it from causing drain issues in the future. Grease should be left in the pan to solidify then wiped out with a paper towel and put in the trash or poured in an empty can and placed in the trash after it cools.
If your disposal side is plugged, unplug the appliance under the sink and reach a hand down the disposal to verify no large food particles or small kitchen items are lost down there; even items as small as broken bits of glass or plastic, cherry pits and bottle caps will cause a malfunction. Do not run additional water and do not run the dishwasher (it drains through the sink.) If you cannot clear the drain, please follow the steps for a maintenance request. If the sink is overflowing, use towels to dry up the water and contact management immediately.
Office hours are Monday thru Friday 2-6 PM during Spring semester and M-F 2-5 during summer and fall. We are available outside of those hours by appointment and can be reached by phone from about 8 AM until 6 PM. WE DO NOT WORK SUNDAY—this includes taking payments or issuing keys.
Yes, please read the orange policy booklet found taped to the inside of a kitchen cabinet. This is part of your contract and you need to know the details. Other rules are stated in your contract as well. Any written posting by management becomes part of your contract, so please be sure to understand and abide by those guidelines as well.
Moving In Procedure
Your move in date is in larger font on the first line of clause 1 on your contract. For school year contracts, this is typically the Friday before school starts. For summer contracts, this is the Monday following May graduation. The office is open on move in day from 9 am to 5 pm. You must check in at the office for paperwork and to receive your keys. You will then be permitted to move items into your apartment.
School year:
We can allow you to move in as early as the Monday prior to the scheduled move in date. There is an early move in fee, per day and you must contact management ahead of time to arrange for your accommodation to be ready early.
We can typically allow tenants to move in the afternoon of the Saturday prior to your scheduled move in when contacted ahead of time. Because the school year tenants moved out just prior, WE DO NOT GUARANTEE THE APARTMENT IS CLEAN nor will we be able to have it cleaned before your early arrival. You will be asked to sign a statement waiving management’s responsibility for cleaning the apartment and agreeing to leave the apartment clean per move out instructions at the end of your contract period.
Tenants are responsible for the utilities and must arrange to have them turned on. Management does not do this for you. Please see the orange policy booklet in the kitchen cabinets for utility company contact information and details. Be aware that the utility companies are busy during move in times and don’t work on the weekends. You will want to contact them as soon as possible.
Move Out Procedures
Please see the date at the top of your contract; typically the last day of finals in May and the 2nd Saturday in August.
Contact management a week prior to your departure to collect a cleaning check list for your bedroom. You are responsible for completing these duties, including the assigned common area items. Please leave the cleaning list in your room, LOCK THE BEDROOM DOOR and return your keys to the office or drop box with a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of your deposit.
Management will deliver a checkout packet to each apartment 2 weeks prior to the move out day. We will also leave a posting on the front door stating that the packet was left in the apartment. Make sure you read the ENTIRE PACKET. If you contact management with questions that are answered by the packet, we will refer you back to the packet. Do not lose the packet or render it lost to other roommates. The apartment will be charged a replacement fee if the packet is misplaced or destroyed. We will inspect the entire apartment at once, after all tenants moving out have left. Please be considerate of roommates who are completing common area cleaning duties early. Allow them to get the work done and make sure it stays done for the inspection. Tenants do not need to be present for the inspection, but all cleaning must be complete and personal belongings removed (except for tenants with continuing contracts) by noon of the last day of the contract. Any tenant not moved out by noon will be charged a $100 fee. NO TENANT MAY SPEND THE NIGHT IN THE APARTMENT AFTER YOUR CONTRACT HAS ENDED.
NO!! This constitutes theft and is illegal. We do not allow any overnight guests between contract periods. Incoming tenants may not authorize friends to sleep over before they move in, either.
Parking and bikes
When you move in, you will fill out paperwork and receive your permit and instructions on where to place it. We must see your registration and you will need the license plate number to complete the form. DO NOT LOSE YOUR PERMIT. You will have to pay for a second one.
NO, we only issue permits to TENANTS with vehicles. Non-tenants should park on the street (Parking is not allowed on 800 N. in front of Edgewood, Logan City will ticket.)
No, permits are issued first come, first served until they are gone. Once all permits are issued, they are gone. If you decline a permit at move in, you will not be able to get a permit later on.
You can park on the streets (except 800 N. in front of Edgewood) EXCEPT during winter parking restrictions. Logan city enforces this law November 15 until March 1. Cars cannot be parked on the street from 1 AM to 6 AM. You can also contact managers of nearby complexes to see if they are willing to sell you a permit at their property. You will not be reimbursed for this cost. Crestwoods has no liability for injury or damage to property related to parking incidents.
The car owner will need to follow instructions on the booting notice and pay to have the boot removed. Management does not get involved with parking disputes. We retain a booting company to protect your parking privileges. Please be respectful of the booting company and employees. Signs are placed at the entrance to parking lots advising drivers that parking is by permit only.
You must have a current parking permit (issued at the beginning of the current school year. You must have the permit placed in the specified location and on the car the permit is registered for. Your car must be in a marked parking stall. Parking over 2 spaces or on landscaping is grounds for booting. The car must be parked in Crestwoods parking spaces.
At Brentwood:
Crestwoods spaces are between the white lines extending across the entire parking lot. If you have a Shared, or reserved parking permit with a space number on it, you must park in that space. If someone else is in it, contact the booting company for assistance. If you have a regular parking permit, you cannot park in the reserved, numbered stalls in front of buildings C and D.
If you have a permit, you will return it with your keys when you leave. Your buyer will purchase their own permit at the listed price. Parking permits are not transferable. If you DO NOT have a parking permit, your buyer WILL NOT be able to purchase one.
No, you may only have one vehicle permitted. Contact management for further details.
Bikes must be secured to bike racks. They MAY NOT be chained to stair railings or fences. Brentwood has a rack between buildings C and D. Lynwood has a rack on the south side of the building, on the back side. Edgewood has a chain mounted to the wall next to the management storage closet in the garage, southeast corner.
NO! This causes hazards to tenants and damage to the building and carpets. Bikes must be kept outside.
You are paying installments on a contract. Because the contracts are relatively short, and the population moves a lot, we begin collecting ahead of time to be sure that we can get accounts fulfilled before people move out.
No, we are unable process any electronic payments. The Rentroom app allows electronic payments for a fee. It requires you to link your bank account, which can take up to a week to complete. This option is provided as a courtesy and Management is not responsible for errors or late payments due to issues with the app or your bank. Cashier’s checks or money orders can be left in the drop box. Please place payment in an envelope with your name and apartment number so that it can be correctly credited. Payments may also be mailed to the office.
We do not accept cash for payment. You must take your cash to the bank and ask for a cashier’s check, payable to your apartment, and leave that in an envelope with your name on it, in the drop box. You may also purchase a money order at any grocery store, Walmart or post office. Be sure to sign it and put it in an envelope with your name so it can be properly credited. Management is not responsible for errors made because a tenant was not clearly stated on a payment. Payments can be mailed to the office as well.
Please be aware of your specific limitations and plan accordingly. Any payment not paid in full at its due date will accrue a late fee.
880 N. 650 E. #8
Logan UT 84321
No. Payments must be collected according to the schedule on the contract you signed.
YES, payments must be made according to the contract even if the contract (or a semester) is for sale. You are responsible for selling the contract. See “Selling Your Contract” below for further details.
We do not. It is your responsibility to keep track of payment dates (note that 1 comes before you move in) and plan accordingly. If you will be out of town, mail your payment ahead of time. If parents need to transfer money, give them notice a few days early so it is there when due.
Depending on the specifics of the sale of your contract, your buyer will pay you rent. Otherwise, overpaid rent will be refunded with your remaining deposit. These refunds are typically processed mid-January, the end of May and mid-September to coincide with tenant transitions.
Current tenants are given first choice in January. We usually open registration to everyone the middle of January. Summer and the following school year open up at the same time. While we anticipate filling up by June, often contracts come up for sale; call periodically to see if we have any available.
No, we require you to sign the contract and put down the security deposit to reserve a room.
Please see clause 20 of your rental agreement. After 30 days or after a first payment is due OR made necessitates selling the contract. See “Selling Your Contract” below.
No, we rent first come, first served. We must have a signed contract in the office and security deposit to reserve a room for anyone. If you are part of a group, we will not confirm any member of the group without contracts for the entire group.
We ask that you knock on the apartment door and ask the tenants if you can have a quick look. If no one answers and it is during office hours, you may contact management to see if we are available.
An email is sent over the winter break with the details on renewal. After that date, open registration will begin and we will rent rooms first come, first served. This doesn’t mean your room will fill immediately, but the only way to GUARANTEE you can keep the same room is to sign up before the deadline. If you want to stay with Crestwoods but switch apartments or rooms, you will need to wait AFTER the deadline.
No, we email a copy of the agreement for you to sign and complete. You will then mail the contract and deposit to our office. However, the room is NOT RESERVED until the signed agreement AND deposit are received in our office.
No, we rent a full school year contract (Aug-May) and a separate summer (May to Aug) contract. Contracts may be sold; most successfully before the next semester begins. You can elect to sell the portion of the contract you don’t need, but you are responsible for the financial obligations. (If the contract doesn’t sell, you are responsible for payments/fees even if you choose not to live at the apartment.) See “Selling Your Contract” below for more details.
NO!! This constitutes theft and will cause immediate eviction. All tenants must be registered with management and have a signed contract with accompanying deposit.
No; both shared contracts must be paid. If you want to buy BOTH shared contracts, you can keep the room to yourself.
Roommate Disputes
Because management doesn’t live in your apartment, we only know that contract obligations are not being observed when another tenant notifies us. We appreciate your understanding of the rules and knowing that all tenants must abide by these rules. If there is a concern in your apartment, we recommend that you try to resolve the issue by talking with your roommate(s) directly. If this doesn’t bring an acceptable resolution, please bring a witness to corroborate your complaint to the office during office hours (or make an appointment that fits your schedule) to discuss the problem with management. Please don’t have a parent call as they don’t have all the details of the situation that you have. Any tenant found breaking contract rules may be served a comply or vacate notice. We have a zero-tolerance policy in regards to broken rules.
You may leave a signed statement, witnessed by another roommate, stating what damage, by whom and approximately when, in the drop box or delivered during office hours.
Management does not get involved with roommate disputes. It is recommended that you try to resolve the situation with that person directly in a calm and courteous manner. If this doesn’t work or you feel your safety is threatened, contact the Logan City police to file a complaint.
Management doesn’t get involved in disputes. It is recommended that you try to resolve the situation with that person directly. If this does not work or you feel threatened, contact Logan City police to file a complaint.
Selling your contract
- You are responsible for selling your contract. It is highly recommended that you actively market your contract. Some options are: networking, TSC and LDS Institute bulletin boards (all free) and Student Housing groups on social media.
- In addition to your efforts, please submit a signed notice to the drop box.This allows us to give prospective buyers your phone number to contact you regarding your contract, based on the order in which we receive requests to sell. Management will not let buyers know your contract is available until you submit your request in writing. Please include the date, your phone number apartment and room number, the date you will be leaving (we need 24 business hrs. between your departure and the buyer’s move-in) and signature with the request for “management to assist in selling my contract”. Management makes no guarantee that your contract will sell.
- Your buyer must be a student. We are student housing.
- You will make your payment to management according to your contract. When you find a buyer, they are to pay you. There is a $150 transfer fee to transfer the contract to a buyer. If you choose to offer a discounted price, you will still pay management the full amount of your agreement.
- Your replacement must sign a rental agreement with management and provide a deposit and lease initiation fee of $350 upon signing the lease. We do not allow tenants to leave the existing deposit for a new tenant. If you/they desire, rent payment may be made directly to management at the time the contract is signed. In this case, you will receive a rent refund the end of January or 30 days following the sale; whichever is later.
- Cleaning is between you and your replacement*. Management will inspect your room for damages. You must obtain a cleaning checklist from the office a week prior to your departure.
- Parking permits are not transferrable, as stated in the permit form you signed. There is no refund of the permit fee and your replacement will purchase a new permit at the regular price. If you did not purchase a parking permit or your contract states “no permit with this contract”, your replacement will not have access to one either.
*If a replacement is found by management, a cleaning inspection will occur. Any deficient items will be cleaned and your deposit billed for the cost.
Please give us a call if you have further questions, 435-755-3181
What to bring/not bring
We provide basic furnishings, including: sofa, loveseat, coffee and end tables, kitchen table/chairs, bed, dresser and nightstand for each bedroom. We also provide a vacuum, microwave and dishwasher in each apartment. Edgewood has a TV in each living room.
You will need bed linens, a shower curtain and hooks. Bring kitchen utensils, linens and dishes. Cleaning and laundry supplies will also be needed. While garbage cans are not provided, most apartments have one in the kitchen. For common area items like book shelves, dishes, etc., it is recommended that you talk with roommates before bringing everything. No one needs 6 Insta-Pots!
You may bring your own bed. Please notify management well before moving in that you would like to bring a bed and we will provide the Furniture Removal Addendum for you to sign and return. Once received, we will move the bed out of your room. Management may also require an inspection of your personal furniture prior to its entry to the apartment. It is recommended that you check with roommates before bringing any common area furniture.
We don’t provide desks or shelves. You are welcome to bring one of your own. We recommend moving in prior to purchasing furniture so you have a feel for the space.
We do not recommend mini fridges as they are very inefficient and cost you more in utilities. You are also liable for any damage to the carpet due to rust or spills. If a mini-fridge is brought, it MUST be kept in your room.
No. Pets of any sort are not allowed on the property.
No, we allow one fish in a fishbowl.
No, lit candles are not allowed. You may use a candle warmer, but be aware that they frequently boil over and cause damage to furniture, walls and carpet for which the tenant is responsible.
No, we don’t allow grilling or open flames anywhere on the property.
NO!!! Please don’t leave your junk for us to throw away! You will be charged a disposal fee.